- Appointment Unit Exam (Teacher's Info.)
- Update the teacher's information
- Practical Commencement First Half 2020
- To conduct the Practical examinations in the subjects of Chemistry at T.Y.B.Sc. (Semester VI) examinations to be held in the First Half 2020
- Circular B. Architecture Practical Exam for First Half (Summer)-2020
- Circular B. Pharmacy Practical Exam for First Half (Summer)-2020
- External Examiner for examination B.M.S., B.Com. Banking & Insurance), B.Com. (Accounting& Finanace) and B.Com. (Financial Markets), B.Com. (Financial Management), B.Com. (Investment Management), B.Com. Transport Management, B.Com. (Environmental Management & economics) Viva-voce Project work/ Practical Examination be appointed by respective Principal on behalf of the University from cluster colleges.
- Affiliated colleges conducting B.M.S. B.Com. (Banking & Insurance) B.Com (Accounting & FInanace) and B.Com (Finacial Markets) B Com (financial Managment) B Com (Investment Management) B Com (Transport Management) B Com (Environmental Management & Economics) examination External Examiner for vice-voce of Project work /Practical Examination be appointed by the respective Principal on behalf of the University
- To conduct the Practical examinations in various subjects at T.Y.B.Sc. (Sem. V) examinations to be held in the Second Half of the year 2019
- Circular : Date of Commencement of Practical examination to be held in Second Half (Winter) 2019
- Circular Circular MCA Practical Exam for First Half (Summer)-.2019
- To appoint External Examiner for viva -voce of project work/ Practical examination
Circular B. Arch Jury Examination for Second Half (Winter) 2018
Revised Circular B.pharmacy Practical Sem-VII (CBSGS) for F.H.2018
Circular MCA Practical (Sem-I to VI) (IDOL) Examination Second Half 2017
Circular B.pharmacy Practical Sem-VII & Sem-VIII CBSGS S.H.2017
Revised Jury Time Table B.Arch (Term-II) & (Sem-VIII )for F.H.2017
Circular for e-delivery Letters to Paper Setter / Moderator / Examiner
- To the Principals of affiliated colleges conducting B.M.S., B.Com. (Accounting & Finance), B.Com. (Banking & Insurance) and B.Com. (Financial Markets): External Examiner for viva voce of Project work/ Practical Examination to be appointed by the respective Principals on behalf of the University.
- To the Principals of Constituent/ Affiliated College in Architecture: Jury (viva-voce) examinations in various subjects at Third Year, Fourth Year, Final Year B. Arch., B.Arch. (Sem.-VI) (CBSGS) and B.Arch (Interior Design) examinations to be held in the Second Half of the Year 2015
- To the Directors of Institutes and Principals of the affilaited colleges conducting the M.C.A. Course: The dates for practical examinations of MCA Sem- I to V and Project evaluation of Sem.- VI of Second Half 2015
- Alternative to animal dissections as per the UGC Circular in T. Y. B. Sc. Sem. V PRACTICAL Exam.
- To conduct the Practical examinations in various subjects at T.Y.B.A./ B.Sc., M.A./ M.Sc. (Part-I & II) and M.A./ M.Sc. (Sem.-I to X) examinations to be held in Second Half 2015
- Conduct of Pratcial examinations in various subjects at Final Year B. Pharm. (Sem VII) CSBGS syllabus & Sem VIII 2007 syllabus examinations to be held in Second Half 2015
- To the Principals of affiliated colleges in Engineering: To furnish the titles of Project work, names of Internal guides and persons who could be considered for appointment as External Examiners etc. for the Project work and oral examinations at B.E. (Sem.-VII) examinations in different brnaches of Engineering to be held on Second Half the year 2015
- MCA Bridge Course Practical Circular and Schedule F.H.2015
- To the affiliated Colleges arts, Science & Commerce, the Director, institute of Science and the Directors of recognized institutes: To postponed the practicals commencing from 30th March 2015 onwards at their center for the M.Sc. (Part-I & II) and M.Sc. (Sem.-I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII) (CBSGS) examinations to be held on First Half of the Year 2015
- To the Directors of Institutes and Principals of the affiliated colleges conducting the MCA course: The Practical examination of MCA sem -I to V and project evaluation of Sem VI of First Half will be conducted at their respective colleges / Institutes
- मुंबई विद्यापीठाच्या विविध शैक्षणिक विभागांचे संचालक/ प्रमुख, सर्व संलग्नित महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य, मान्यताप्राप्त संस्थांचे संचालक/ प्रमुख, संचालक दुर व मुक्त अध्ययन संस्था, समन्वयक, रत्नागिरी उपकेंद्र व सहाय्यक कुलसचिव ठाणे उपकेंद्र: प्रथम सत्र २०१५ मध्ये होणा-या M.Sc. Sem-II च्या परीक्षांचे प्रवेश पत्र (Hall Tickets) आणि विद्यार्थ्यांची यादी Web Link: muexam.in या वेबसाईटवरून Download करुन घेण्याबाबत
- A meeting of all the Heads of Department of Computer Science of the affiliated colleges
- To the Principals of affiliated colleges conducting B.M.S. (Repeaters), B.Com. (Accounting & Finance), B.Com. (Banking & Insurance) and B.Com. (Financial Markets): External Examiner for viva-voce of project work/ Practical Examination be appointed by the respective Principal of behalf of the University
- To the Principals of Constituent/ Affiliated Colleges in Architecture: Conduct viva-voce examinations in various subjects at Third Year, Fourth Year and Final year B. Arch and B. Arch. (Interior Design) examinations to be held in the First Half 2015
- 2015 FIRST HALF 3, 4, 5TH YEAR JURY Timetable
- Guidelines for External Examiners (Jury members) for viva-voce examinations B. Arch. and B.Arch. (Interior Design) Examinations First Half 2015
- To the Principals of the affiliated Colleges in Pharmacy and Directors of the Recognised Institutes of Pharmacy: The Practical examinations in various subjects at Final Year B. Pharm (Sem.-VII) & (Sem.-VIII) (2007 syllabus) examination to be held in First Half 2015 will be commenced from 26th March, 2015 and 1st April, 2015 respectively
- To the Principals of the affiliated colleges in Arts, Science & Commerce, The Directors Institute of Science, Directors of the Recognized Institutes and Director CCF and Dy. Registrar: To conduct the Practical examinations in various subjects at T.Y.B.A./ B.Sc., M.A./ M.Sc. (Part-I & II) and M.A./ M.Sc. (Sem.-I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII) examinations held in the First Half 2015
- To all the Professors, Readers, Associate Professor and Assistance Professor of the Institutes/ University Departments/ Affiliated Colleges/ Sir. J.J. College of Architecture, the Recognised Institutions and the Institute of Distance & Open Learning: The date of furnish their detail inforamtion has been extended up to 12th January 2015
Revised Practical timetable for MCA
Revised Time table Final Year B.ARCHITECTURE (Term-I) 2014
M.Arch Time Table Viva Voce examinations Second Half 2014
Practical Programme of Home Science_ M. Sc. _Semester I
Practical Programme of Home Science_ M. Sc. _Semester II
Practical Programme of Home Science_ M. Sc. _Semester III
Practical Programme of Home Science_ M. Sc. _Semester IV
Practical Programme of P.G. Diploma in Dietetics & Applied Nutrition_Semester I
Practical Programme of Microbiology M. Sc. Semester III
Practical timetable Architecture Jury TIME TABLE for Final Year (Term I )
Practical Programme of T.Y.B.A. (Sem. V) GEOGRAPHY PAPER-VI & IX for Thane Branch
Practical Programme of T.Y.B.A. (Sem. V) GEOGRAPHY PAPER-VI & IX
Home Science_T.Y.B.sc.
Home Science_ M. Sc. _Semester III
Program (PHARMACY) – S. H.-2014 (Legal)
Psychological Practical Time Tables