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Hon’ble Chancellor
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor
Hon’ble Pro Vice Chancellor
Finance and Account Officer
Director Board of Examinations and Evaluation
Director Innovation, Incubation and Linkages
Authorities & Bodies
Online Affiliation
Affiliated Colleges
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Seminars & Conferences
हिंदी विभाग द्वारा आयोजित "अमृतलाल नागर जन्मशती राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी" (दि. 03 एवं 04 मार्च 2017).
Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies: Organizing Management Research Conference on 3 and 4th March 2017.
Department of Physics: Solar-Cell Technology Hands-On Workshop for Students
Department of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai organizes National seminar on 'Dialogue and Debate in Ancient Indian Tradition' on 9th and 10th March 2017
Department of Law: International conference "Intellectual Property Rights Emerging Trends, Global Perspective"
Department of Civics and Politics: A Special Lecture on 'Macro Trends in Asian International Relations'
Physical Education: Lecture Series on Physical Education Interdisciplinary Perspective
मराठी विभागाने गुरुवार, दिनांक २३ फेब्रुवारी १७ रोजी झपूर्झाः उत्सव आपल्या मायमराठीचा हा कार्यक्रम आयोजित केला आहे
Department of Education: One Day International Conference on Internationalisation Of Higher Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Recommendations
Department of Statistics: One day Seminar on 23rd February 2017
हिंदी विभागः आयोजित द्विदिवसीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्टी "हिन्दी आलोचना एवं डॉ. नगेंद्र" २०-२१ फरवरी २०१७
Department of Philosophy: Talk 02 Time : 3.00 p.m. in Department of Philosophy , University of Mumbai
Department of Philosophy: Talk 01 Time : 11.00 a.m. in Wilson College, Chowpatty
Department of English: Special Guest lecture On "Possibilities of Career after Post Graduation"
Department of English: 27th G.C. Bannerjee Memorial Lecture
मराठी विभागाने मंगळवार, दिनांक ७ फेब्रुवारी १७ रोजी महात्मा फुले व्याख्यानमाला आयोजित केली आहे.
Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute of Mangement Studies: Invitation for First Alkesh Dinesh Mody Memorial Lecture
Department of Philosophy: Workshop on From Nagarjuna to Dharmakirti: Buddhist Logic & Epistemology
Department of Linguistics: Diachronic Semantics and Indo-Aryan Diachrony
Department of Sociology: Organizing a National Seminar titled on "Tribes in Transition: Issues and Challenges in the Era of Globalization"
Department of Civics & Politics: Two Day International Conference on "India’s Extended neighbourhood policy: New perspectives and Future directions"
Department of Philosophy: Invite for talk on Prof. Murali Ramachandran on 6th Jan. 2017.
Department of History, University of Mumbai organizes International Conference at University of Mumbai entitled, 'Power, Public Culture and Identity:Towards New Histories of Mumbai' in collaboration with the University of Leicester and School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London on 6 and 7 January 2017 at Alkesh Dinesh Mody Auditorium, Kalina Campus of University of Mumbai./a>
Department of Education: Researcher's Meet 2017
IDOL, University of Mumbai Organizes An essay writing competition in the memory of 12th year of Tsunami and its Remains
IDOL, University of Mumbai Organizes an Exhibition and Presentation on “Tsunami: Its Remains & Cremains” in the memory of 12th year of Tsunami on 26th Dec.2016
Department of English: South Asian Englishes: Current Research Directions (19- 23 December 2016)
Department of Philosophy: International Conference on Philosophy and Art Practice
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Contemporary Studies: Symposium on "Health As a Human Right"
Department of ICSSR / WRC: Organises a "Research Methodology Workshop in Social Sciences"
Department of Philosophy: Diamond Jubilee Celebration Bombay Philosophical Society
Department of Psychology: Two- Day Workshop on Ethical Issues in Psychological Practice
Dates of commencement for the Examinations to First Half 2012
University of Mumbai's Delegation to Universities of China.
Department of Philosophy: Organizes various workshop
Dates of commencement for the Examinations to Second Half 2011
Post Graduate Section: Merit Lists
Department of Computer Science: One day workshop on Hands on experience of the LINUX OS
University has celebrate "Teachers Day" on 5th September, 2011
Department of Physical Education: "NATIONAL SPORTS DAY"
Manuals of Credit & Grading System and programmes of Workshops for Credit Based and Grading System implemented from academic year 2011-2012
"Best College Award" for the academics year 2011-12
"Workshop on Robotics" Arranged by University & CSE, IIT Bombay
Cordially invite for the Institutions of IMC-Pravinchandra V. Gandhi Chair in Banking and Finance at University
The candidates who are qualified in this Ph.D. Entrance Test will get the qualifying certificate from the University and candidates are required to apply to the concerned research Centres for the process of admission for Ph. D. programme as mentioned in the VCD.
Department of Chemistry: The seminar competition on the topic "Chemistry in our lives"
The Result of Ph.D. Entrance Test is Declared.
Find seat number and Centres for Examinations T.Y.B.A., B.Sc. I.T. (sem.-VI) and B.M.S. (Sem.-VI)
No change in the Examinations schedule on 2nd April,2011
The T.Y.B.Sc.I.T. (Sem.-V) examination is postponed
Annual Meeting of the Senate
Department of Chemistry: Seminar Competition for M. Sc. Chemistry students
स्वरभास्कर भारतरत्न कै. पं. भीमसेन जोशी यांना श्रध्दांजली अर्पण करण्याचा कार्यक्रम
अखिल महाराष्ट्र विद्यापीठ कुलगुरू चषक २०११
Department of Chemistry: International conference on Supramolecular chemistry and Nanomaterials - 2011
Department of Commerce: International Commerce and Management Conference
Department of Linguistics: A National Seminar on Role of Language & Culture in the Makings of a Nation
राष्ट्रध्वजारोहण समारंभ
1st Parliament of Indian Students Council leaders
Examination Timetables for Engg. (S.E.,T.E.,B.E.)
Department of German: Seminar on Seascapes in Comparative Media Studies
Department of Sanskrit: National Seminar on Governance in Ancient India
Department of Psychology: Silver Jubilee Conference MMP on 'PSYCHOLOGY OF VIOLENCE'
Department of Lifesciences: Seminar on Environmental Biotechnology
Applications are invited from the candidates for the (vacant or likely to be vacant) posts on the establishment of the University of Mumbai.
National Center for Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology: One Day Workshop on "Rheology for Nanotechnology"
LL.M. (Sem.- Ist and IIIrd) Examinations (November- 2010) postponed and Re-scheduled
VCD of Rules for Admission Registration and Course Work for Ph.D. Programme
Department of Biophysics: Seminar on Oxidatively generated DNA damage in cells formation and measurement
M.Com. Part-I examinations earlier allotted to their examination venue has been shifted
Result of revaluation cases for second half 2009
अमेरिकेच्या प्रथम महिला श्रीमती मिशेल ओबामा शनिवार दिनांक ६ नोव्हें.-२०१० रोजी विद्यापीठाच्या ग्रंथालयाला भेट देणार आहेत
MUNIJAN - Gandhi Jayanti - 2010
Department of Philosophy: Seminars and Workshop
Mumbai University Sub Center at Thane - Foundation Stone laying Ceremony on 17 August 2010
PG Section: Merit list for M.Sc. Chemistry Admission 2010-2011
Examinations which were scheduled to be held on Monday, 5th July, 2010 has been Postponed due to '
Bharat Bandh
विद्यापीठाच्या कुलगुरू पदासाठी शोधसमितीद्वारे अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत
Time tables of Engineering (Sem-III to Sem VIII) (All Branches)
Centers for M.A. & M.A. Education (Part- I & II)
Centers for M. Sc. Part- I & II and By Research
Centers for M. Com. Part (I & II)
Seat No. of Candidates MA & MA Education- II
Seat No. of Candidates M. Com.- II
Change of center of T.Y.B. Com. candidates from Samyak Sankalpa ACS college, Kalyan (E)
Centre list of T.Y.B.Com.
Centre list of T.Y.B.A.
Department of Philosophy: Introductory Workshop - Indian & Western Philosophy
The all the examinations of 5th & 6th May,2010 has been now shifted on revised date due to MH-CET examination
The B. M. S. (Sem. V), B.Com. (Banking & Insurance) (Sem. VI) and B. Com. (Accounting & Finance) (Sem.VI) examination will be now commence on 18th May, 2010)
The B.Sc. (I.T.) (Sem.-V) examination is re-schedule due to MHT-CET Entrance exam
Some of the University Examinations have been postponed
Change of center of T.Y.B. Com. candidates from Samyak Sankalpa ACS college, Kalyan (E)
विद्यापीठाच्या काही परीक्षा (T.Y.B.A., T.Y.B.Com, T.Y.B.Sc.) पुढे ढकलण्यात आलेल्या नसून या संबंधी अफवा पसरविल्या जात आहेत अशा अफवांवर संबंधीतांनी विश्वास ठेवू नये.
विद्यापीठाचा वार्षिक दीक्षांत समारंभ - २००९ / NOTIFICATION FOR ANNUAL CONVOCATION - 2009
Vice-Chancellor's New Initiatives Budget Estimates 2008-09
National Centre for Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology: Seminar on Physics of Nanomaterials
Department of Physics : Seminar on Cyber Forensic & Web Security
Department of Physics: Workshop on Synthesis of Nanomaterials
Entry for Central Eurasian Studies: National Seminar
Urgent need of B+ve blood
Department of Sanskrit: National Seminar
Department of Sanskrit: Inauguration of Ramkrishna Bajaj Sanskrit Bhavan
The examinations which scheduled to be held on 28th Dec. 2009 has been postponed
Department of Sociology: First Prof. G.S.Ghurye Memorial Lecture
The examination of B.Com (B &I ) (Sem. V) will be scheduled on 30th Dec. 2009
IDOL & Department of Education: International Conference
Dates of commencement for the Examinations to Second Half 2009
Postponement of Examinations due to Vidhansabha Election
Department of Philosophy: 84th Indian Philosophical Congress
Department of Physics : Inaugural Orientation Lecture
Department of Sanskrit: 'Sanskrit Week'
अखिल भारतीय कुलगुरू चषक T-२०.
Department of Life Sciences: World Environment Day
Institute of Distance Education: Students list with roll numbers
Examination Centers
Department of Sociology: G.S.Ghurye Book Award
Annual Convocation 2007 Candidates list
Dates of examination forms for admission
Proposals to UGC for exemption from NET
New procedure to apply for duplicate certificates
Mahatma Gandhi Peace Center: The Peace Festival
New ordinance relating to the admission
Examinations scheduled on November 28, 2008 & Onwards
as per earlier schedule
Department of Chemistry : National Conference
Karmveer Bhaurao Patil Oration
Business Management T.Y.B.Com. Examination dates
Enrollment Engg. , Arch. & B.Ed. Admission Process
नागरिकांची सनद.
Notice for all the students
Dates to submit the applications for Admissions as a special case.
उत्कृष्ट शिक्षक पुरस्कार.
Rule of ATKT for Engineering
The Dates of commencement of the examinations, Second Half 2008.
University Employees Co-operative Credit Society: The Golden Jubilee year
प्रथम वर्ष कला, वाणिज्य, विज्ञान या वर्गातील विद्यार्थ्यांची नोंद.
मराठीतून कामकाज करण्यासंबंधीचे धोरण.
Election of Seventeen Teachers to the Senate