Profile of the department
Internal resource generated :-
Lokkala Academy under the banner of Shahir Amarsheikh Adhyasan has initiated Documentation of Shahir (Balled singers) who had a great contribution for freedom movement of nation and freedom movement of Maharashtra. The shahirs whose contribution towards ballads are recorded are Padmshri Shahir Sable, Lokshahir Vitthal Umap, Shahir liladhar Hegade, Shahir Atmaram Patil etc.
Unit Cost of education, Innovation in teaching :-
Innovation in teaching through demonstrations and workshops in folk festivals either organized by department or by Govt. agencies. Lokkala Academy has organized Parampara festival in the year 2007 & 2008 and tradition of organizing Parampara festival will continue in future. This parampara festival is organized in the month of January with the help of West Zone Cutural Center and Cultural Affairs dept. govt. of Maharashtra. There were about 125 folk artists allover India including Padmabhushan Tijanbai assembled for Parampara festival. Dept. has organized workshops on folk songs, folk dances and folk plays during Parampara Festival in which exponents of folk music, folk drama Dr. Ashok Ranade, Prof. Kamalakar Sontakke, Guru Parvatikumar, Padmabhushan Tijanbai imparted knowledge to students. This workshop was Inter disciplinary in nature where students of Theatre Arts, students of Music Dept. participated in workshops.
Teaching staff ratio (Lokkala Academy)
Teacher : Two
One Reader
One Lecturer
Visiting faculty (Adjunt Faculty) : Two
Student ratio : 30. This year we have Seventeen students.
Non teaching staff ratio: One Peon
(Shahir Amarsheikh Adhyasan)
Non teaching staff ratio: Two employees
Research Co-ordinator
Artist Co-ordinator
Vidyapith Vidyarthee Bhavan, 3rd flr.,
Shobhanath Mishra Marg, 'B' road,
Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.
Phone No. 022 - 22871788.
Courses :- Diploma in performing folk arts.
Admission :- Admission process starts in the month of May - June.
Eligibility of the students:- Student should be graduate from any discipline.
The selection of candidates for admission to the Post graduate Diploma course in Performing Folk Arts will be based on :
A Bachelors degree in any subject/faculty from any recognized University. PLUS Experience of participating in theatre, folk-theatre activity.
(Preference will be given to students or practitioners of the performing arts such as folk, theatre, music, dance and traditional theatre, etc.)
Entrance examination, Performance Test, Interview and Aptitude Test (Written and Practical).
No reservation criteria.
Fees :- Rs. 11,810/- for open candidate & Rs. 75/- for schedule class ( ST, NT, SC ) candidate.
Total : 500 Marks
The University of Mumbai has commenced one year post graduate diploma course in performing Folk Arts under the aeigs of Lok Kala Academy in 2004, A folk art is the expression of the ethos through music, dance and drama. Performance is its basic characteristic. Hence performing Folk Art has always heen an indivisible part of community of life and culture. Community life manifests itself through Folk-Arts relating to contemporary life which are naturally inspired and instinctive traditionalism is their hallmark. That is why the entire Folk-Lore is said to be the 'Science of Tradition'.
The core of Indian culture having a tradition of thousands of years was originally Folk Culture in which rites, actions and plays relating to the power that underlines the governance of the Universe, holds a place of extraordinary importance. these ritualistic commandements took the form of Performing Arts with the changing times. Religions, sects, customs traditions and faith exert a tremendous influence on the mass mind. Folk-Lore and Performing Folk Arts are woven around spiritualism, social awakening and entertainment.
Till date, no scientific study of Indian Folk Lierature and Performing Folk Arts has been undertakin and whatever efforts made, just stopped at the level of collection, collation and presentation without studying the basic spirit of Performing Folk Arts. A lot of creativity is possible through natural instincts in Folk-Arts which also leads to personality developments. Recently Indian Folk Art has been getting professionalized at the national as well as internationl level. It also greatly influences theatre, films and all other art forms which skillfully utilizes various forms of Folk Arts.
In modern times, the study of music, dance and dramatics has become essential so is the case with the Performing Folk Arts which is increasingly findings its way in commercial arena. The Folk Art gets carried from one generation to the other through an informal system of education- Gurukul. But now its formal and scientific study has become imperative and hence an effort is being made to introduce a formal course in Performing Folk Art at the University level.
Total research grant received from various agencies :
Number of research scholars :
Faculty strength, in position :
(Lokkala Accademy) In-position
New Academic Programs initiated :
Research :
We have done the research project on contribution of Shahirs who has participated in "Separate Maharashtra movement".
Annual Report of Last Academic year (1st April 2006 to 31st March 2007
Tamasha :
Between 24th to 28th July 2006 Chhaya Khutegavkar, 1st to 5th August 2006 Sahebarao Nandvalkar , 23rd to 25th August 2006 Reshma Paritekar, 14th to 16th September 2006 Varsha Sangamanerkar have given the practical as well as theoretic knowledge of Tamasha to the students of Academy. Components of Tamasha like Gana, Gaulan, and Batavani were toughed by these exponents.
Jagaran demonstration :
Jagaran study tour
Rangparampara Festival:
Dashavtar workshop:
Parampara Festival
Bharud demonstration :
On 2nd February 2007 a renowned artist of Marathwada Bharud- Ratna Niranjan Bhakre gave a demonstration of Bharud. He gave the lectures on same subject between 3rd to 5th February 2007. Yedka, Burgunda, are some of the popular Bharuds demonstrated by Niranjan Bhakre.
Ek Tamasha Sundarsa :
Students participated in this program of celebration of 150 years of Mumbai University . On 24th November 2006- Arts & Comares College, Vada; 1st December 2006 - Library , Kalina; 7th December 2006- D.T.S. College of Commares Kurar, Malad; 8th December 2006- Vir Vazekar College, Uran; 9th December 2006- Changu Thakur College, Panvel; 16th , 17th , 18th December 2006 - Navi Delhi , Our students performed Ek Tamasha Sundarsa at the places which are mansion above.
Colorful annual function :
During National seminar of performing folk arts, on 30th April 2006 we conduct the colorful annual function of our department. Students performed 'Dashavtari Raja' skit play which was based on Ritual-drama of Kokan i.e. Dashavtar. This script was written & directed by Dr. Tulasi Behere.
Student's performances :
Students of Lok-Kala academy performed-
Lavani Mohostav :Tamasha's Gan and Mujra on 20th March 2006 in Lavani Mahotsav at Yashvantrao Chavan pratishthan.
Radio :On 18 June 2006 Radio program 'Lokkalanchi Jamali Gatti'
Aanandrang :Program on Celebration of 150 years of Mumbai University, 18 July 2006.
Ratnagourav Puraskar :13th August 2006 student had participated in this program at Ravindra Natya Mandir.
Rangaparampara Mohostav :5th to 11th Oct. 2006 students attained the workshop on this folk festival.
Indradhanushya Festival : On 7th November 2006 students of academy has Participated in it at Patakar College.
National Seminar on Lokdharmi performing Arts and Lokrangotsav :
Lok-Kala Academy along with Loksahitya Sanshodhan Mandal, Aurangabad had organized a National seminar on Lokdharmi Performing Arts and Lokrangotsav on 29th and 30th April 2006 at Shahir Amarshaikh Sabhagruha Churchgate.
This seminar was inaugurated by honorable Vice Chancellor Dr. Vijay Khole while Prof. Datta Bhagat, Padmashree Shahir Krishnarao Sable, Lokshahir Vitthal Umap grace the occasion as a Chief Guest. On the concluding section Padmashree Tijanbai was present along with Prov. Vice Chancellor Dr. Arun Savant who suggested that workshops should be held time to time not only in the city but also in Tribal belt of Thane district; this will enhance the unique work of Academy.
Tijanbai advised young artist to keep faith in their art form and should not go by money. During these two days students of Lok-Kala academy performed Gan and Dashavtari Raja directed by Dr. Tulsi Behere, also there were some performances like Bharud by Bharat Bhushan Bhaskar Shevantkar, Gondhal performance by Radhkrishna Kadam and Zulava, a drama directed by Prof. Vaman Kendre, presented by Rangpitha and Chandrvalay.
Dr. Prabhakar Mande, Dr. Prakash Medakkar, Prof. Kamlakar Sontakke, Purushottam Berde, Dr. Sharad Vyavahare, Prof. Prakash Khandge, Dr. Madukar Vakode, Mukund Kule, Ashokji Paranjpe, Dr. Tulsi Behere, Dr. Shashikant Barhanpurkar, Dr. Sambhaji Kharat, Layek Husen, Dr. Ashok Ranade, Madhav Vaze, Dr. Jabbar Patel, Prof. Vaman Kendre, Dr. Sadananda More, Dr. Dada Maharaj Manmadkar, Dr. Yashvant Pathak, Dr. Harishchandra Borkar, Dr. Ramesh Kubal, Dr. Bhaskar Khandge among others participated in this program.
Seminar and Events
Seminars, Workshops, Conferences and other events : This year we have conduct following demonstrations & programs.
Tamasha :
Between 6th to 10th August 2007 Sahebarao Nandvalkar , 29th to 31st August 2007 Shakuntala Nagarkar have given the practical as well as theoretic knowledge of Tamasha to the students of Academy. Components of Tamasha like Gana, Gaulan, Lavani and Batavani were toughed by these exponents.
On 27th September 2007 a renowned artist of Poona Kanifanath Deshmukha gave a demonstration of Jagaran with his group member.
During 4th to 9th October 2007 Cultural Centre Govt. of Maharashtra along with West zone cultural centre had organized this festival. Students of lokkala Academy were participated in it.
This year Study tour was arranged on 13th to 15th December 2007. Students visited places like Poona, Jejuri, Naladurga, Tulajapur, Usmanabad, Bid.
With the collaboration of West zone cultural centre & Lokkala academy had arranged the program called Parampara Festival. This program held on 15th to 17th Jan. 2008 at Matathibhasha Bhavan, Mumbai University, Kalina Campus between 7 to 10 pm. Here all the renowned folk artists was performed there art. Purulia Chow of W. Bengal, Dilha Nam- Assam, Bhapang-Rajastan, Pandwani- Chattisgarh, Bhangada-Pnjab, Kalbelia-Rajastan and Siddi Dhamal- Gujarat these were performed there. With this Maya Khutegavkar, Apsara Julgavkar have performed lavani.
This festival was inaugurated by Guru Parvatikumar, whail Bharatkumar Raut the editor of Maharashtra Times honorable while Vice Chancellor Dr. Vijay Khole grace the occasion as a Chief Guest. On the concluding section Padmashree Tijanbai, Pandit Jasraj were present along with Prov. Vice Chancellor Dr. Arun Savant.
During this festival Lokkala academy had conduct the workshop on Folk Music, Folk Dance and Folk Drama. In that workshops Ramesh Purav, Prof. Bhushan Nagdive, Kamlakar Sonttakke these exponents have given the practical as well as theoretic knowledge about their subjects.
Bharud demonstration:
On 6th February 2008 a renowned artist of Bharud- Chandabai Tiwadi gave a demonstration of Bharud. She gave the lectures on same subject between 7th & 8th February 2008. Yedka, Burgunda are some of the popular Bharuds demonstrated by her.
Tamasha workshop:
Cultural Affairs Department of Government of Maharashtra organized Tamasha Workshop in Lok-Kala Academy during 4th to 24th Feb. 2008. This workshop was successfully conducted by the Academy in association with cultural affairs. Sahebrav Nadvalkar, Chaya Khutegaonkar and Krishna Musale were the prominent artist who imparted the traditional knowledge of Tamasha to students.
Name:- Prof. Prakash Khandge Designation :- Co-Ordinator, Reader |
Name:-Prof. Ganesh Chandanshive Designation :- Lecturer |