• Pgdass orientation lecture.
    PGDASS (statistics) First Merit list
    M.Sc part I (Statistics ) Orientation Lecture
    M.Sc Part I (statistics) 3rd  Merit list.
    M.Sc. (Statistics) Part I 2nd Merit List
    Notification of PGDASS (statistics) admission 2019-2020
    M.Sc. (Statistics) Part I 1st Merit List
    General list of received applications of M.Sc Part I (statistics) students for the admission 2019-2020
    Notification of M.A / M.Sc Part I (statistics) admission 2019-2020
    Notification of PGDASS (statistics) admission 2019-2020
    Notification of M.A / M.Sc Part I (statistics) admission 2019-2020
    Ph.D (Statistics) Admission 2019-2020

    Final list of selected Ph.d Students
    Interview for admission in Ph.D. in statistics
    National Seminar on Recent development in Statistics on 22nd -23rd March  2019
    Notification of PH.D Admission 2018-2019
    Two Days National workshop on Data Analysis using SPSS Software
    M.Sc Part I (Statistics) Spot Admission

    M.Sc. (Statistics) Part I 4th Merit List
    PGDASS Orientation lecture
    PGDASS (STATISTICS) 1ST Merit List Extended date 31st August 2018
    M.Sc. Part I (Statistics ) Orientation Lecture
    M.Sc. (Statistics) Part I Third Merit List
    PGDASS (Statistics) First Merit list
    M.Sc. (Statistics) Part I Second Merit List
    M.Sc. (Statistics) Part I First Merit List
    Applications received list of M.Sc Part I (statistics) 2018-19
    PGDASS Notification
    Notification of M.Sc Part I (statistics) admission 2018-2019
    M.Sc. Part I sem II PSSTP2B (Based on R-Softwear)
    Notification of PGDASS (statistics) admission 2018-19
    Practical Examination M.Sc. Part-I(Sem-II) and Part-II (Sem-IV)
    PGDASS Exam Timetable
    Convocation Distribution 2017
    Two Days National Workshop on Statistical Analysis Using R software
    PGDASS (STATISTICS) 2nd Merit List
    PGDASS (STATISTICS) 1ST Merit List Extended date 4th october 2017
    M Sc part I (Statistics ) Orientation Lecture.
    M.Sc. (Statistics) Part 1 2nd Merit List
    M.Sc. (Statistics) Part 1 1st Merit List
    Notification of PGDASS (Statistics) Entrance Test 2017-2018
    General list of received applications of M.Sc Part I (statistics) students for the admission 2017-2018
    Notification of M.Sc Part I (statistics) admission 2017-2018
    Notification of M.Sc Part I PGDASS admission 2017-2018

    Notification of M.Sc Part I (statistics) admission 2017-2018
    Notification of PGDASS ((statistics) admission 2017-2018
    Notification of M.Sc Part I (statistics) admission 2017-2018
    PGDASS Timetable July 2017
    Ph.D. (Statistics) Notification
    M.Sc Sem I Practical time table April 2017
    M.Sc. Sem III Practical time table April 2017

    M.Sc Sem I (statistics) Practical exam time table
    M.Sc Sem III (statistics) Practical exam time table
    One Day Seminar On "Recent Techniques In Applied Statistics" (23rd February, 2017)

    One day Seminar on 23rd February 2017
    Notice regarding PGDASS orientation programme
    PGDASS Third Merit List 2016-2017
    PGDASS second merit list  for 2016-2017
    PGDAS received application list  for 2016-2017
    PGDASS received application list  for 2016-2017

    PGDASS First merit list 2016-2017
    PGDAS and PGDASS entrance test candidate list  2016-2017
    Notice of lectures of M.Sc Part I (2016-17)
    Third merit list of M.Sc Part I (statistics) 2016-2017
    Second merit list of M.Sc statistics 2016-2017
    First Merit list of M.Sc Part I (Statistics) 2016-2017
    M.Sc Part I received applications for the year 2016-2017
    Entrance Test for PGDAS/ PGDASS course 2016-17
    International Conference ICS 2016
    Application for the Post of Statistical Assistant on purely temporary basis.
    Full time Post Graduate Courses PGDASS and PGDAS
    International Conference 2016


    Department of Statistics

    Department of Statistics


    Introduction :

    The Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai was established in the year 1948. It was the first Department in the western region, for postgraduate studies and research in Statistics. The Department will complete 61 years of existence in this year. It offers postgraduate courses leading to the Master of Arts and Science (M.A./ M.Sc.) degree, by papers, awarded by the University of  Mumbai. In addition to the master’s programme, M.Phil and Ph.D. degree programmes , post graduate diploma in actuarial science (PGDAS) and post graduate diploma in applied statistics with software (PGDASS) are also undertaken by the Department. Experienced faculty of the Department is devoted to research in their respective areas of specialization. Research and teaching are given equal importance by the faculty. Extra care is taken to pay individual attention to the students in their laboratory work and tutorial sessions. Project work and problem sessions are encouraged to develop innovative and analytical approach to statistics learning. The Department has a long cherished history of having produced eminent academicians and successful statisticians in the Industry. It is the only center of University of Mumbai for conducting M.A./ M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D., PGDAS and PGDASS programmes.



    The Department of Statistics is housed in Lokmanya Tilak Bhavan located in well planned Vidyanagari Campus of the University of Mumbai . The Vidyanagri Campus is off the C.S. T. road (now known as Vidyanagari Marg) near Kalina and is accessible from Kurla on Central Railway and Santacruz on Western Railway . BEST bus routes 318, 313, 619,213 and 37 starting either from Kurla [West] (Central Railway) and Santacruz (East) (Western Railway) pass via vidyanagari. Also 312  between Seepz and Pratiksha Nagar, 374 ltd. between Goregaon and B.A.R.C. Anushaktinagar, 449 ltd between Dharavi and Kandiwali station  & 181 plying between Seepz and Prabodhankar Thakare Udyan  pass via Vidyanagari.



    There are Girl’s and Boy’s hostels within the campus. Two rooms in Boy’s hostel and two rooms in Girl’s hostel are reserved for the Department students.

  • Facilities, Lab


    The Department has excellent computing facility. There are two computer laboratories: The laboratories have following equipments:
     Pentium based machines connected in network.
     All computers are connected to Internet.

    Department of Statistics has following Statistical Softwares 

    • Statistical Application Software (SAS)
    • Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
    • Minitab

    The students are being trained in other prominent statistical software packages such as veka, SQL for Data Mining.

  • Library

    Jawaharlal Nehru Library at the Vidyanagari Campus is well equipped with Statistics books, journals and periodicals. The students enrolled in the Department can avail of both reading as well as lending facilities offered by the library. However, students enrolled in other postgraduate centers can only avail of reading facility.

    Advances in Applied Probability 
    American Journal of Mathematical & Management Sciences 
    Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics
    Annals of statistics 
    Canadian Journal of Statistics
    Communications in Statistics : Simulation & Computation 
    Communications in Statistics : Theory & Methods 
    International Statistical Review 
    Journal of Applied Probability 
    Journal of Applied Statistics
    Journal of Marketing Research
    Journal of Probability & Statistical Science
    Journal of Statistical Planning & Inference 
    Journal of the  Statistical Theory & Application
    Journal of the American Statistical Association
    Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society :  Series A
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C 
    Mathematical Methods of Statistics
    SIAM : Theory of Probability and its Applications 
    Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 
    Simulation Modelling Practice & Theory
    Statistica Neerlandica
    Statistical  Methodology
    Statistical Methods & Applications 
    Statistical Methods in Medical Research
    Statistical Modelling 
    Statistical Science
    Statistical Theory & Methods Abstracts 
    Statistics and Computing 
    Statistics and Probability Letters
    Survey Methodology

    Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics
    Sankhya and journal of Indian Statistical Association, IAPQR, Statistica Sinica are donated to Library by faculty members.

  • Courses

    The M.A./M. Sc  program in Statistics by papers is of two years (four semester) duration. The first and second years are termed as M.A./M. Sc Part I  and  M.A./M. Sc Part II respectively. The structure of the M.A./M. Sc program in Statistics by papers is as follows. 

    M.A./M. Sc Part I consists of two semesters. In each semester there shall be four compulsory courses and two practical courses. 

    M.A./M. Sc Part II consists of two semesters. In each semester there shall be two compulsory courses,  two optional courses and  two practical courses. 

    In all there shall be four theory courses each of 75/100 marks for M.A./M. Sc respectively and two practical courses each of 100 marks, for each semester. 

    The performance of the learners shall be evaluated in two components. Internal Assessment with 40% marks by way of continuous evaluation and by Semester End Assessment with 60% marks by conducting the semester end examination.


    1. M.A./ M.Sc Part I
    2. M.A./ M.Sc. Part II
    3. Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics with Software
    4. Post Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Science
    5. Admission Procedure
    6. Fee Sructure

    PGDAAS Old Question Papers

  • A. Research Paper :

    A.  Research Paper   :


    • Professor. Ulhas J. Dixit
    1. (With Y.S. Sathe), A comment on generalized gamma distribution, Calcutta Statist. Assoc. Bull., 34, 123-124, 1985.
    2. Characterization of the gamma distribution in the presence of k outliers, Bull. Bombay Mathematical Colloquium, 4, 54-59, 1987.
    3. Estimation of the parameters of the gamma distribution in the presence of outliers, Commun. Statist. Theory and Meth., 18(8), 3071-3085, 1989.
    4. (With Y.S. Sathe), On a recurrence relation for order statistic, Statistics and Probability letters, 9, 1-4, 1990.
    5. On the estimation of power of scale parameter of the gamma distribution in the presence of outliers, Commun. Statist. Theory and Meth., 20(4), 1315-1328, 1991.
    6. Bayesian approach to prediction in the presence of outliers for Weibull distribution, Metrika, 41, 127-136, 1994. 
    7. (With K.L. Moore and V. Barnett), On the estimation of the scale parameter of the exponential distribution in the presence of outliers generated from uniform distribution, Metron, Vol. LIV-n. 3-4, 201-211, 1996.
    8. (With Shilpa D. Karadkar), Estimation of the parameters of a bivariate exponential distribution, Statistical Inference and Design of Experiments, edited by U.J. Dixit and (M.R. Satam, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp.13-19 1999.
    9. (with R.G. Shenoy, V.U. Dixit) Evaluation of selected Junior Colleges in Mumbai in Science Stream: Statistical Inference and Design of Experiments, edited by U.J. Dixit and M.R. Satam, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp.146-155, 1999.
    10. (Invited) Bayes Empirical Bayes Estimation, Proceedings National Seminar on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications,  edited by S.K. Upadhyay and U. Singh, pp. 59-71, 1998.
    11. (With Y.S. Sathe), Estimation of P[X  Y] in negative binomial distribution,  Journal of Statistical planning and Inference 83-92, 93, 2001.
    12. (With Parviz F. Nasiri), Estimation of parameters of the exponential distribution in the presence of outliers generated from uniform distribution, METRON, Vol. LIX n. 3-4, 187-198,2001
    13. (Invited) (With Sarode D.D.) Study of compressive Strength of Concrete of Certain Flyovers in Mumbai: The 6th World Multiconference on Systemic, Cybernetics and Informatics,Industrial Systems and Engineering III,Edited by Nagib Callaos,Yigang He and Jorge A. Perez-Peraza,Vol,XVII,381-387,2002.
    14. (With Reddy M.V.): Study  of  Performance of  First Year USP students with respect to their Form Seven Marks,  South Pacific Journal of  Natural Sciences,Vol.20,p. 45-47,2002 
    15. (With Dixit, V.U. and Reddy M.V.) Performance of FCAE Diploma holders at USP, South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 20, P. 62-63,2002.  
    16. (With V.U. Dixit), Testing of the parameters of a right truncated exponential distribution,  American Journal of  Mathematical and Management sciences,Vol. 22,Nos. 3 & 4,343-351,2003
    17. (With Ali, M. M. and Woo Jungsoo):  Efficient Estimation of parameters of a uniform distribution in the presence of outliers, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol.29, No.4, P.363-369, 2003  
    18. (With Reddy M.V.): Diagnostic Test for Mathematics Students at USP,Fijian Studies 3,No.1,125-129,2005.
    19. (With Phal, K.D.): On Estimating Scale Parameters of  a Truncated Gamma distribution, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol.31, No.4, P.515-523, 2005   
    20. (Invited) Data analysis : Some Case Studies: Statistical Techniques in Life-Testing,Reliability,Sampling Theory and Quality Control, Edited by B. N. Pandey,Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi,pp: 110-116,2007 
    21. (with Parviz F. Nasiri) : Estimation of the  parameter of a right truncated exponential distribution,   Journal: Statistical Papers, 49,225-236, 2008 
    22. (with Kalpana D.Phal) Efficient estimation of parameters of an exponential distribution in the presence of outliers generated from Uniform distribution, Journal of Applied statistical Science,Vol.17(4), 495-504,2010
    23. (with Kalpana D.Phal) : Estimation of P[X > Y ] for the uniform distribution in the presence of outliers, Journal of Probability and Statistical Science,7(1),11-18,Feb.,2009 
    24. Actuarial Science – Financial Mathematics: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes, Iran ,43-57,2009,.
    25. (With Parviz F. Nasiri)  Estimation of the scale parameter of the exponential distribution in the presence of outliers using linex loss function, American Journal of  Mathematical and Management sciences,Vol. 30,No.3 & 4,365-383,2010.
    26. (with Shilpa Khare  and M. Jabbari Nooghabi): Bayes estimation of the parameter of Gumbel’s Bivariate Exponential distribution,Aligarh Journal of Statistics,30,77-90,2010
    27. (With M. Jabbari Nooghabi ): Efficient Estimation in the Pareto Distribution, Statistical Methodology, 2010, Vol. 7(6), 687-691.  
    28. (With M. Jabbari Nooghabi ) Estimation of the parameters of gamma distribution in the presence of outliers in right censored samples, Aligarh Journal of Statistics,31,17-29,2011. 
    29. (With Shailaja Kelkar)  Estimation of the Parameter of Binomial Distribution in the Presence of Outliers, Journal of Applied statistical Science,19(4), 489-498, 2011
    30. (With M. Jabbari Nooghabi) Efficient Estimation in the Pareto Distribution with the Presence of Outliers, Statistical Methodology,2011,Vol.8(4),340-355.
    31. (With M. Jabbari Nooghabi) Efficient Estimation of the parameters for the Pareto Distribution in the Presence of Outliers, Communications of the Korean Statistical Society,2011,Vol.18,No.6,1-16.     
    32. (With Shailaja Kelkar): Semi-Bayes Estimation of the parameters of Binomial Distribution in the Presence of Outliers,  Journal of Statistical Theory and Application, 2012, Vol.11,Number 2,143-163 
    33. (With Shailaja Kelkar)  Efficient Estimation of the Parameters of Binomial Distribution in the Presence of Outliers Accepted in Journal of Applied statistical Science.
    34. (With M. Jabbari Nooghabi):Bayesian inference for the Pareto lifetime model in the presence of outliers under progressive censoring with binomial removals,Hacettepe Journal  of  Mathematics and Statistics.2014,Vol.43,No.4, 1-19.
    35. (With M. Jabbari Nooghabi) : Testing the Parameters of a Pareto Distribution in the Presence of Outliers , submitted for publication.
    36. (With M. Jabbari Nooghabi):Characterizations of the Pareto distribution in the presence of outliers, Aligarh Journal of Statistics,33,1-9,2015
    37. (with S Annapurna): Estimation of the Parameters of a Bivariate Geometric Distribution, Accepted in Journal of Statistical Theory and Application



    • Professor (Mrs.) Smita P. Nabar
    1. (With S.P. Barpande): A note on maximum likelihood estimator of the mode of binormal distribution Bin (,µ ,k) Journal of Indian Statistical Association,Vol.39,No.2, 2001
    2. (with  S.C.Deshmukh) : On estimation of parameters of bilognormal distribution, Journal of Indian Statistical Association, Vol.40,No.2,2002.
    3. (With S.P. Barpande): Inference on P( Y < X) in the Binormal distribution, Journal of The Indian Association for Productivity, Quality and Reliability  (IAPQR Transactions),Vol. 28,No.1, 2003,
    4. (With J.I. Sipahimalani): Performance of a Laboratory in Proficiency Testing evaluation by Z-score : 4 easy steps : IDMA Bulletin XXXV(10),2004 
    5. With S.C.Deshmukh (2004) Two-piece logistic distribution Journal of the Indian statistical Associate  Vol.42,1,2004,79-85 
    6. Nabar,S.P. and Deshmukh ,S.C.(2002)on estimation of parameters of bilognormal distribution,Journal of Indian statistical association 40,1,59-70
    7. Nabar, S.P. and Deshmukh S.C.(2006) The Epsilon-skew exponential power distribution, Journal of Indian Statistical Association,Vol 44,1,2006,1-15.
    8. Nabar,S.P. and Dalvi,A.C. (2005). Sequential probability ratio test for the location parameaters of the Bilognormal distribution. Gujrat statistical review,Vol.31(2004)and Vol.32(2005)no.s 1-2,33-44.

    • Dr. (Mrs.) Vaijayanti U. Dixit
    1. (Invited) Left handed persons and related issues: The 6th World Multiconference  on Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics Proceedings,Vol. XIII, 2002 593-597, edited by Nagib Callaos,Greg Whymark and William Lesso 
    2. (with U.J. Dixit) Testing of Parameters of a Right Truncated Exponential Distribution, American Journal of Mathematics and Management sciences,Vol. 29,No. 4 , P. 363-369, 2002.
    3. Estimation of parameters of mixed failure time distribution based on a extended modified sampling scheme; Commun. In Statist. Theory and Methods,  2003, Vol. 32(10), 1911-1923.
    4. (with  U.J. Dixit  and M.V. Reddy)  :  Performance  of  FCAE  Diploma holders at USP;  South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences;2002, Vol. 20, pp. 62-63
    5. (with S.P. Nabar): Estimation of Parameters of a Mixed Failure Time distribution which is a Mixture of Degenerate (degenerate at zero) & I. G. distribution; Accepted in Commun. In Statist. Theory and Methods,

    • Dr. Santosh Gite
    1. An order level Inventory model for Item with Finite Rate of Replenishment Dependent on Inventory Level and Time Dependent Deterioration, Int.J.Agricult & Statistical Science,Vol3,No.2,PP-533-540,2007.
    2. An Economic order quantity model for perishable item under permissible delay in payment and variable rate of deterioration, International Journal of Statistics and system, Volume 4 No.1    (2009), PP. 1-12 .
    3. An Inventory model for deteriorating items with stock dependent demand and time value of money. ( communicated )
    4. An EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items with Quadratic Time Dependent Demand rate   Under Permissible Delay in Payment. International Journal of Statistika and Mathematika, Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2013 pp 51-55.
    5. An Inventory Model for Weibull Deteriorating Items with Ramp Type Demand under Shortages  and Inflation. International Journal of Statistics and Analysis, Vol.3, No.4, 369-377, July 2013

    • Dr.Alok Dabade
    1. Compound Negative Binomial Shared Frailty Models for Bivariate Survival Data . Statistics and probability letters,  Volume 83, 2013
    2. Modeling of inverse Gaussian frailty model for bivariate survival data. Communications  in Statistics-theory & methods, Volume 42, no.20, 2013 .
  • Annual Report


    Annual Report (2011-12)

    वर्षवृत्त (२०११-२०१२)


  • Seminar and Events

    "संख्यास्मृतीः मुंबई विद्यापीठ – संख्याशास्त्र विभागाच्या आठवणी" (23rd February, 2017)


    A Seminar on “Application of Statistics”  was organized on 7th March 2015 . Nearly 180 participants attended the seminar and following speakers were invited.
    i)    Prof. R.B. Patil  
    ii)    Prof. Swati Patil
    iii)    Prof. Hema Sawant
    iv)    Prof. Vinayak Deshpande 
    v)    Prof. Roopesh  Pettikatti

    ii) On 20th June 2014,  a workshop on ‘NET/SLET  Examination of Statistics’ is      organized  by Dr. S. P. Gite .

    iii) On 21st June 2014,  a workshop on ‘LATEX’ is   organized  by Dr. A.D.Dabade. 

    2. Students of M.Sc. Part II had presented their projects in January 2015
    Miss. Jayanti Gupta  was invited for judging the projects. 
    The following projects were ranked First, Second .

    1. Statistical Ride on Milky Way

    2. Click Bazaar- Shopping rediscovered 
                          and                                 (Combined) 
       Are Women the Dexterous Beings?

  • Services


    Guidance for projects.     ( It is a part of syllabus for every year )
    i) Dr.U.J.Dixit :-
    M.Sc. Part II
    Modi Wave- A Well Crafted Strategy 
    Study of Indian market  for a new fast food chain

    ii)  Dr. Smita Nabar :-
    M.Sc. Part II
    Consumer Decision Making Behaviour in Movie Market 
    The study of requirement of features and operating system in mobile.

    iii) Dr. R.G. Shenoy  :-
    M.Sc. Part II
    Stress and Depression -The Hidden Darkness


    iv) Dr.Vaijayanti  Dixit :-
    Are Women the Dexterous Beings?
    1)    Stress Management
    2)    Quality analysis of Cigarette on machine at leading Cig. Manufacturing company


    v) Dr.S.P.Gite
    Click Bazaar-Shopping rediscovered


    v) Dr.A.d.Dabade
    Statistical Ride on Milky Way
    Predict the risky policy holders of the HNI individuals


    vi)  Prof. Anil Arekar
    Does Metrorail Meet the Expectations of Mumbaikars ???...


    v) Dr. Shilpa Khare :-
    Work And Wellness


    vi) Dr.(Mrs.) M.R. Satam
    PGDASS :-
    Predict the risky policy holders of the HNI individuals

  • Faculty
    Name Designation Profile
    Dr. Santosh P. Gite Associate Professor & Head Profile
    Dr. Vaijayanti U. Dixit Associate Professor Profile
    Dr. Alok D.Dabade Assistant Professor Profile
    Retired Faculty 
    1. Prof.M.C.Chakraborty
    2. Dr.Y. S.Sathe 
    3. Dr.(Mrs.) S.M.Joshi
    4. Dr.(Mrs.) M.R.Satam
    5. Dr. R.G.Shenoy
    6. Dr.(Mrs.) S.P.Nabar
    7. Dr. U.J.Dixit
    Visiting Faculty 
    1. Dr. Smita P.Nabar  (M.Sc, Ph.D.)
    2. Dr. (Mrs.) K.D.Phal (M.Sc,M.Phil, Ph.D)
    3. Prof. Annapurna S. (M.Sc)
    4. Prof.(Mrs.) P.P.Khandeparkar 
    5. Dr. S.B.Mulye
  • Administrative Staff

    Non-Teaching Staff 

    1. Mrs. Vandana  U. Sutar (Sr. Typist  Clerk)
    2. Miss. Shaila V. Yadav (Jr. Typist Clerk)
    3. Miss. Pratibha  Pednekar (Office Assistant)
    4. Mr. Pravin  Shinde (Com. Technician)
    5. Mr. Vishnu T. Ghawali (Peon)
    6. Mr. Ajit Pujari (Peon) 
    7. Mr. Anil Marchande (Peon)
    8. Smt. Gangabai Pukale (Hamal)
    9. Mr. Aniket Dhopat  (Peon)
  • Illustrious Alumni's:








    S. B. DEO, Late M. N. VARTAK











































  • Placements


        The students of M.A./ M.Sc Statistics (Part I and Part II), PGDAS, PGDASS form the placement committee, guided by two senior teachers. They undertake many tasks, the prime one being that of looking after the campus interviews. They prepare the department brochure and post the same to selected companies and many of these visit the campus for recruitment .
    The recruitments are carried for the Part II, PGDAS, and PGDASS students. Each and every student has to fill the placement form which is an undertaking stating the rules of the Placement Committee. The details of the visit of the companies are taken care by the committee. The committee also organizes other intellectual events. They conduct meetings on a regular basis to put forth their problems and discuss the agenda. The committee is thus a representation of the students and act as a layer between the students and the faculty of the department .


    Companies where our students are placed :


    • AC Nielsen-ORG MARG                
    • HDFC
    • BMS Pharma
    • ICICI Prudential
    • Aventis Pharma
    • IMRB
    • Bayer India Ltd.
    • India Soft Tech. Pvt. Ltd.
    • HSBC
    • Novartis
    • Birla Sunlife
    • Om Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance
    • Business India Group
    • Qunitiles Spectral
    • Crosstab
    • Research International
    • Code Links Data Service
    • SAS Institute
    • Citibank
    • Tata Motors
    • Dirextions
    • Worldwide Network Services
    • Dr. Reddy’s Lab
    • Ciro India
    • German Remedies
    • Brand Scapes Worldwide
    • GE Capital
    • Org-IMS
    • Godphrey Philips
    • Cartesian Consulting
    • Kotak Mahindra Bank
    • Brand Scape
    • Hansa C-Equity
    • Willis Reinsurance
    • IDEA