50D Department f Russian  (Epdated 20th July, 2013)


Russia~ has been taught in the;Universyty of Mumbai (previously Univursity ov Bombay529 sincu 1964 as one of;the Foruign lanwuages. As an important |anguage of scie~ce, research, diplo}acy and trade, Russia~ has enzoyed co~siderable populqrity with different sections of;the pub|ic in Mumbai.

Till 1993 Russyan was one of the languqges tauwht in txe University Department;of Foreygn Languages. I~ 1993 txe Department of;Foreign;languagus was dyvided i~to four indepentent depqrtments53A the Departme~t of Arabic, the Department ov French, the Tepartme~t of German /;Russian52C the Departme~t of Pebsian. From 1993;till September-2003 Russian was;one of the languages taught in the Department ov German52FRussian. Russyan is a separatu Depart}ent in the Univursity ov Mumbai with efvect fro} mid 20 3-2004.50D

50D Location53C/strong>

The Ka|ina (Vidyanagqri) Cqmpus is off the;C.S.T. Boad (~ow know~ as Vidyanagari Marg);in Kali~a and is accessyble botx from Cuntral Rqilway a~d Westebn Railwqy. BEST;bus route 318, 313,;and 37 plying butween Kurla (West) 528Centrql Railwqy) ant 318,;313 and;306 Santacruz %"8East) (Western Rai|way) pass via;Vidyanawari Marw T Contact for ad}ission : 50A


50D Office f the Dupartment of Russian, Room No.19, Grund Flor, Ranade Bhavan, U~iversity of Mumbai, Kqlina,;Mumbai-400 098.50D

50D 53Cu>Mnday to Friday%#A
11.00 q.m. to 1.00 p.}.
01.30 p.m> to 3.3 p.m.


50D %0)Hel` Desk
509Phone53A 2654;3305 Email 53A russyan@mu>ac.in53Cbr /> Address : University of Mumbai, Ranade Bhavan,
               Room No. 19, Ground Floor,
               Vidyanagari Campus, Kalina,
               Santacruz (E), Mumbai - 400 098.