Notice for Sem IV studnets for collecting marksheet
Walk in interview for the post of full time Research Assistant on 10th October 2019
Entrance Test in Geography for change subject
List of selected candidates for the admission of Ph.D.
Application for the Admission of Ph.D. Programme
Dr. Chandrashekhar D. Deshpande Memorial Lecture
The list of the selected students for the interview for doing Ph.D.
Interviews for admission to register for the doctoral course
To submit degree certificate and documents who are exempted from PET and passed NET/SET.
The Department of Geography, University of Mumbai, established in the year 1969, offers postgraduate courses leading to the Degrees of Master of Arts (M.A.) and Master of Science (M.Sc.) by papers or research, awarded by the University of Mumbai. In addition to the master's programme, M.Phil and Ph.D. degree programmes are also conducted by the Department. Experienced faculty of the Department is devoted to research in their given equal importance by the faculty. Research and teaching are given equal importance by the faculty. Extra care is taken to pay individual attention to the students in their laboratory work and lecture sessions. Project work and problem sessions are encouraged to develop innovative and analytical approach to learning. Topical seminars by experts from research institutes, planning authorities are organised to create research awareness amongst students. Experts in different allied fields are also invited for interaction and curriculum development, whenever necessary.
The Department of Geography is the only centre teaching Geography at the post-graduate level in the University of Mumbai. The Department also allows registration of candidates for Ph.D. with recognised teachers teaching in affiliated colleges. University of Mumbai finances the Department to create and maintain infrastructural facilities for its various teaching and research programmes. Additional finance required for research work is sought by individual faculty members from various national funding agencies such as the UGC, DST, ICSSR, CSIR and DOE. It has a close interaction with academicians and experts from the other research organisations of the city.
The Department of Geography is housed in the Lokmanya Tilak Bhavan (Ground and First Floor) and the Dnyaneshwar Bhavan (First Floor) located in a well-planned and compact Vidyanagari Campus of the University of Mumbai. Vidyanagari Campus is off the Vidyanagari Marg to the south of Kalina and can be reached from both the Central and Western Railways. The BEST buses on routes 313, 426 plying between Kurla (West) on the Central Railway and Santacruz (East) on the Western Railway touch Vidyanagari. Buses on route no. 318 enter Vidyanagari Campus. Buses on routes 306 (between Santacruz and Mulund), 91 (between Kurla and Mumbai Central), 37 (between Kurla and Bhulabhai Desai Road), 312 (between Andheri MIDC and King's Circle) and 374 (between Goregaon Depot and B.A.R.C.) also cater to long distance commuters.
On the very first visit, students fall in love with the campus environment. Its well laid garden and vast area, away from dense and noisy city, help create an atmosphere conducive to creative activities. Staff quarters, Ladies' and Boys' Hostels and late evening research workers keep the campus alive even late in the evening and on holidays. Campus library houses books and journals in almost all the subjects. Canteen offers a common meeting place for students and teachers from various departments. It is a rewarding experience for students to encounter a researcher from the other faculty. Summing up, the campus offers an opportunity for an all-round development of personality.
Jawaharlal Nehru Library at the Vidyanagari Campus is fairly well equipped with Geography books, journals and periodicals. Interdisciplinary nature of the subject also enables it to procure material from books and journals of the other disciplines. The students enrolled in the Department can avail of both the reading as well as lending facilities offered by the library.
There are Girls' and Boys' hostels within the Campus. Four rooms in Boys' hostel and Four rooms in Girls' hostel are reserved for the Departmental students. One room in J. S. Hall Hostel for Boys' at 'B' Road, Churchgate, is also allotted to the Department.
The Department offers two scholarships which are awarded strictly on the basis of merit. It offers three free studentships to be awarded on the basis of need-cum-merit.
Departmental laboratories are well equipped to carry out experimental work in various branches. The Department has over 9000 topographical maps and a sizeable collection of aerial photographs and satellite imageries which are used in both teaching and research. The collection is being enhanced every year by adding latest products available in the market to keep the students abreast with modern developments. The Department is now thinking to go in for digital data which is easy to store and experiment with for analytical purposes.
The Department has a well-equipped cartographic laboratory with all the equipment required for preparation and duplication of maps. Recently it is engaged in acquiring materials which have helped in computer cartography. It has acquired MAP INFO software package that helps in mapping apart from a digitizer and a scanner.
The Department has built up a computer laboratory with 3 PCs, 2 inkjet printers, dot-matrix printer which are used in both teaching and research. It is planning to build up a separate computer laboratory for students.
The Department has developed a physical laboratory for analysis of soil samples. Equipment such as sensitive balance, oven etc. have been purchased for the purpose. It is planning to go in for a kit for analysis of water samples.
The Department has been identified as the National Map Reference Library for Western India and researchers from institutes like IIT, TISS, IIPS, Post-graduate Departments of Geology at St. Xaviers and Somaiya Colleges, College of Architecture approach the Department for their requirements related to maps.
M.A. / M.Sc. by Papers
The Structure of the M.A. / M.Sc. degree courses by papers is as follows. In the first year (Part-I) of M.A. / M.Sc. there are four compulsory papers and two practicals. In the second year (Part-II) there are two compulsory papers, two optional papers to be chosen by the candidate and two practicals. They are :
M.A. / M.Sc. Part I
Paper I : Fundamentals of Geomorphology
Paper II : Geography of Climato-biotic Interaction.
Paper III : Geography of Human Societies.
Paper IV : Spatial Organisation of Economic Activities.
Paper V : Practical Paper I (Tools and Techniques of Spatial Analysis - I)
Paper VI : Practical Paper II (Tools and Techniques of Spatial Analysis - II)
M.A. / M.Sc. Part II
Paper VII : Spatial Dimensions of Development.
Paper VIII : Geography of South Asia.
Paper IX & X : Optional Papers
Paper XI : Practical Paper III
Paper XII : Practical Paper IV
Each student shall choose two Optional Papers from Group A or Group B or Group C.
Alternatively he / she may select one paper from either Group A or Group B along with one paper / dissertation from Group C.
The Following is the list of Optional Papers in various groups :
Group A - Physical / Natural Resources Group:
1. Tropical Geomorphology.
2. Coastal Geomorphology.
3. Fluvial Geomorphology.
4. Climatology of the Tropics.
5. Microclimatology.
6. Plant Geography with special reference to tropics.
7. Geography of soils with special reference to tropics.
8. Geographical perspective on Ocean Development.
9. Geography of Water Resources Management.
Group B - Social and Cultural Group :
1. Regional Development and Planning.
2. Urban Geography.
3. Social Geography.
4. Historical Geography.
5. Political Geography.
6. Cultural Geography.
7. Agricultural Geography.
8. Geography of Energy Resources.
9. Industrial Geography.
10. Geography of Trade & Marketing.
11. Geography of Transport & Communications.
12. Geography of Tourism and Recreation.
13. Geography of Tribes with Special reference to India.
Group C - Interface Group:
1. Thematic Cartography.
2. Advanced Techniques in Geography.
3. Geography of Environmental Quality.
4. Theoretical Geography.
5. Geography of Health.
6. Dissertation.
M.A. / M.Sc. by research :
The students have to put in a minimum of 4 terms and submit a dissertation based on original research carried out by them.
Registration Fees - Rs.400/-
Application form admission - Rs 50/-
Application form for registration - Rs. 5/-
Tuition Fees - Rs.1000/- per annum
Laboratory Fees - Rs.1500/- per annum
Library Fees - Rs. 200/- per annum
Union Fees - Rs. 10/- per annum
Deposit for Breakages - Rs.1000/- per annum
Enrolment Fee - Rs. 150/-
Enrolment Form Fee - Rs. 20/-
The thrust areas of the department have changed over time partly as a result of the emerging areas and also the availability of expertise in the department. Geomorphology has been an important thrust area since the early days of the department. The department wants to continue this as one of the thrust areas as environmental geomorphology is becoming increasingly important both in urban and rural studies. Among other branches of Physical Geography, plant and soil geography is also being pursued as a thrust area. A consistent thrust area of the department has been Urban and Regional research. Emerging problems in the Third World economy and society have also made economic and social geography as other focal areas of the department.
With the development concern, environmental planning has also emerged as a significant area. Of late, the department has been developing expertise in analysing problems of development and underdevelopment with special emphasis on the situation prevailing in the third world. Fringe agriculture and related changes in landuse have also attracted attention of the faculty along with rural industrialization, tourism and recreation. Cultural Geography has also been emerging as a thrust area in the department. Since map has remained an essential tool even after the introduction of other techniques, thematic cartography is an important thrust area in the department. The department has built up the necessary infrastructure for the purpose and the proposed development of computer laboratory will further enhance the thrust.
Name: Dr. Savitsmita Vilasrao Chawan Qualification: M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D. Designation: Associate professor & Head, Specialisation: Urban Geography and Population Studies. E-mail : (Mob. No.- 9969678737) Profile |
Name: Dr. B.B.Sonule. Qualification: M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Designation: Professor, Specialisation: Geography of Tourism, Population Geography, Geomorphology, Quantitative Geography E-mail : (Mob. No.- 9702645415) Profile |
Name: Dr. Dipti Mukherji Qualification: M.A., Ph.D. Designation: Professor Specialisation: Social Geography, Urban Geography, Geographical Information System E-mail : / |
Name: Dr. Sanjukta Sattar Qualification: M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Designation: Associate professor Specialisation: Urban Geography, Social and Cultural Geography, Tourism Geography E-mail : (Office: +91-22-26542728 Mob. No.- 7506250151) Profile |
Name: Dr. Deepali Gadkari |
Name: Mr. Pravin Prakash Kokane Qualification: M.A., NET Designation: Assistant Professor Specialisation: Economic Geography. E-mail : (Office:+91-22-26543593 Mob. No.-9767032930) Profile |
Name: Mr. Devidas Tambe Qualification: M.Sc. (Geoinformatics), M.A., NET Designation: Assistant Professor Specialisation: Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Geomorphology E-mail : / (Office: +91-22-26543593 Mob. No.- +91-9049299551, +91-8693835946) Profile |
Name: Mr. Ramesh Gavit Qualification: M.A., NET Designation: Assistant Professor Specialisation: Economic Geography E-mail : (Mob. No.- +91-9921195321, +91-7588557615) Profile |
Name: Dr. Aparna Phadke Qualification: M.A., Ph.D., SET, NET Designation: Assistant Professor Specialisation: Urban Geogrpahy, Globalisation Studies, Geopolitics E-mail : (Office: +91-22-26542728 Mob. No.- 9850140172) Profile |
Name: Mr. Pandurang Choudhari Qualification: M.A., M.Phil, SET, NET Designation: Assistant Professor Specialisation: Remote Sensing & GIS, Geomorphology E-mail : (Mob. No.- 9975374561) Profile |
Technical Staff |
Name: Dr. Prasad Gogate |